Our Value Added Service is our expertise!


We have individuals on our team with backgrounds in mechanical, electrical, and chemical engineering. This provides us a unique advantage for our customers that is not available from our competition.

Asset & Fleet Management

Managing assets throughout their life-cycle is a difficult task and takes experienced professionals to maximize results and limit risk. Regardless of quantity of your equipment or the size of your fleet, our experts have the know how to help you maximize your return on investment by reducing your total cost of utilization (TCU).

Procurement Process

Our team members, collectively, have helped acquired more equipment than many others within their industry. The process of acquiring equipment can be a cumbersome and daunting task but, we have the skills to help guide you.

Banking, Financing and Leasing

How you choose to acquire the equipment you need is a significant financial decision. Our team has leasing, banking, and finance backgrounds that is essential to insure you are provided the best options for your unique financial situation.

Maintenance Program Development

Equipment, that you invest so heavily in, must be kept working. For this to happen the equipment has to be maintained properly. As we have a vested interest in your equipment we will help you to develop a maintenance program with your vendor or in-house personnel to optimize your equipment’s uptime while minimizing its downtime.

Needs Analysis and Lifecycle Costing

Throughout their career, our staff have helped their clients determine their actual vs. assumptive needs as well as establishing lifecycle costing assumptions designed to justify their client’s internal justification.

Our Team

MitsuCap has a unique team of industry-specific experts. Unlike other leasing and finance organizations, our people spend an exorbitant amount of time staying current with technology while staying abreast of industry trends that effect your business. Simply put, were geeks that spend allot of time finding things out and preventing problems before they happen. Oh, and yes, we’re also leasing and finance experts. Some of the areas we are most knowledgeable of include:

How can we help you?

Let’s schedule a call to discuss your equipment leasing and finance needs.

“The results were clear. The MitsuCap difference was their knowledge of my equipment as well as my industry”

President, US Sales for airport products

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